

熊 青

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    熊青,重慶大學教授、博士生導師,等離子體先進診斷與應用實驗室(Lab-APDA)負責人, 從事非熱等離子體的激勵與控制、在線原位診斷、等離子體應用研究,主要包括:氣體放電過程及機理、/液與氣/固界面相互作用、激光與等離子體相互作用等。主持多項國家自然科學基金(3項)、省部級及企業科技研發項目(5項),以第一作者或通訊作者身份發表期刊論文70余篇,參與英文專著1部,國際/國內學術會議邀請報告10余次,2014年獲湖北省優秀博士論文。







    2019.09-至今:   重慶大學電氣工程學院,教授。 


1.   非熱等離子體能量沉積與分配過程及精準調控

2.   低氣壓低溫等離子體動力學時空過程在線診斷

3.   激光與等離子體相互作用機理與輻射特性調控

4.   非熱等離子體與液體、固體界面相互作用過程 


1.   國家自然科學基金-面上項目,針-水電極氣液兩相放電及其液面相變影響研究,2020-01-012023-12-31,主持。

2.   國家自然科學基金-國際(地區)合作與交流項目,非熱等離子體食品保鮮機理研究,2021-01-012022-12-31,主持。

3.   重慶市科學技術局技術創新與應用發展-面上項目,等離子體處理強化廢棄生物質資源化研究,2019-09-012021-08-31,主持。

4.   重慶市建委科技計劃項目,放電等離子體高效治理黑臭水體應用研究,2018-07-012020-06-30,主持。

5.   強電磁工程與新技術國家重點實驗室-開放基金項目,等離子體與水面相互作用的傳能傳質及其生物效應研究,2018-06-012019-05-31,主持。

6.   企業科技研發項目,低溫等離子體室內消殺技術方案,日記本(北京)健康科技有限公司,2021-09-012022-08-31,主持。

7.    貴州電網科技項目,等離子體氣相沉積技術制備超疏水表面及其預防絕緣子覆冰的應用研究,2018-01-012019-12-31,主持。

8.   國家自然科學基金-青年基金項目,大氣壓低溫等離子體射流的物理化學特性研究,2014-01-012016-12-31,主持。



1.   Qing Xiong, Jun-Jie Qiao, Da-Zhi Wang and Yijia Song, ‘Self-calibration’ method for TALIF measurement of O atoms by full photofragmentation of O3 using a 226 nm UV laser, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (2024), 115202 (13pp).

2.   Jun-Jie Qiao, Qi Yang, Da-Zhi Wang and Qing Xiong, Energy efficiency of N2 vibrational excitation in the spark-and-glow phases of a long-pulse air discharge at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Sources Science Technology 32 (2023), 11LT01 (9pp).

3.   Qi Yang, Jun-Jie Qiao, He Cheng, Da-Zhi Wang, Qing-Yuan Zhang, Xue-Ying Wang, Qing Xiong, Plasma-enhanced evaporation and its impact on plasma properties and gaseous chemistry in a pin-to-water pulsed discharge, Plasma Processes and Polymers 20 (2023), 2300002.

4.   Qi Yang, Jun-Jie Qiao, He Cheng and Qing Xiong, Plasma-liquid interactions: an experiment and simulation study on plasma dynamic behaviors near the gas–liquid interfacial layer, Plasma Sources Science Technology 32 (2023), 095013 (12pp).

5.   Jun-Jie Qiao, Qing Xiong, Qi Yang, Yi-Jia Song, and Da-Zhi Wang, O3 full photo-fragmentation TALIF spectroscopy for quantitative diagnostics of non-thermal O2-mixed plasmas, Journal of Applied Physics 133 (2023), 153303.

6.   Zhan Shu, Junjie Qiao, Qi Yang, Yijia Song, Dazhi Wang and Qing Xiong, In situ probing of atmospheric-pressure warm air glow discharge for nitrogen fixation by multiple laser spectroscopies, Plasma Sources Science Technology 32 (2023), 025009 (15pp).

7.   王大智, 袁博文, 盧琪, 喬俊杰, 熊青, 高氣壓激光維持氬等離子體實驗與仿真, 電工技術學報, 38 (2023), 2541.


1.   Qi Lu, Bowen Yuan, Yijia Song, Qi Yang, Junjie Qiao, Dazhi Wang, and Qing Xiong, Characteristic Diagnostics of a Laser-Stabilized High-Pressure Argon Plasma by Optical Emission Spectroscopy, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 50 (2022), 2578.

2.   Chuanqi Wang, Junjie Qiao, Yijia Song, Qi Yang, Dazhi Wang, Qingyuan Zhang, Zhan Shu and Qing Xiong, In situ quantification of NO synthesis in a warm air glow discharge by WMS-based Mid-IR QCL absorption spectroscopy, Plasma Science and Technology 24 (2022) 045503 (9pp).

3.   宋一嘉, 劉鵬飛, 楊琦, 喬俊杰, 衛麗娟, 熊青, 雙源激勵DBD表面改性PET薄膜電荷耗散及沿面閃絡特性, 高電壓技術, 48 (2022) 4233.


1.   Yijia Song, Qinghua Huang, Chuanlong Ma, Qi Yang, Zhan Shu, Pengfei Liu, Qiang Chen, Anton Nikiforov, Qing Xiong, Patterned superhydrophobic surface fabrication by coupled atmospheric pressure RF and pulsed volume dielectric barrier discharges. Plasma Processes and Polymers 18 (2021), e2100045.

2.   Renze Yu, Zhaoyuan Liu, Jiao Lin, Xinyi He, Linsheng Liu, Qing Xiong, Qiang Chen, Kostya Ostrikov, Colorimetric quantification of aqueous hydrogen peroxide in the DC plasma-liquid system 2021 Plasma Science and Technology 23(5), 055504.

3.   Zhan Shu, Chuanqi Wang, Insaf Hossain, Qiang Chen, Wanlian Li, Jinqi Wang, Pengfei Liu, Qing Xiong, Preliminary study of an open-air water-contacting discharge for direct nitrogen fixation 2021 Plasma Science and Technology, 23(3), 035501.

4.   Zhan Shu, Junjie Qiao, Chuanqi Wang, Qing Xiong, Simultaneous quantification of atomic oxygen and ozone by full photo-fragmentation two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy 2021 Plasma Sources Science Technology, 30(5), 055001.


1.   Jiali Wu, Qing Xiong, Jialiang Liang, Qiang He, Dongxu Yang, Ruoyu Deng, Yi Chen, Degradation of benzotriazole by DBD plasma and peroxymonosulfate: Mechanism, degradation pathway and potential toxicity 2020 Chemical Engineering Journal, 384, 123300.

2.   Jiao Lin, Xinyi He, Qiang Chen, Qing Xiong, Junshuai Li, Xin Wang, Guolong Chen, Qing Huo Liu, Kostya Ostrikov, The formation mechanism of aqueous hydrogen peroxide in a plasma-liquid system with liquid as the anode 2020 European Physical Journal D, 74(4), 80.


1.   Lin Xiong, Zhan Shu, Qinghua Huang, Qiang Chen, Xiaolong Deng, Xingliang Jiang, Dan Wu, Bing Bao, Qing Xiong, Interaction between plasma and water surface: Formation and dynamic behavior of water surface depression and its effect on aqueous chemistry 2019 Physics of Plasmas, 26(6), 063511.

2.   Qinghua Huang, Lin Xiong, Xiaolong Deng, Zhan Shu, Qiang Chen, Bing Bao, Mingli Chen, Qing Xiong, Super-hydrophobic film deposition by an atmospheric-pressure plasma process and its anti-icing characteristics 2019 Plasma Science and Technology, 21(5), 055502.

3.   Bangbang He, Xinning Gong, Yupengxue Ma, Xin Wang, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Qiang Chen, The pH value control in air plasma–liquid system by sodium bicarbonate 2019 The European Physical Journal D, 73(2), 40.

4.   Qiang Chen, Jiao Lin, Xinyi He, Hailong Hu, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Bingyan Chen, Zhengyong Song, Hai Liu, Qing Huo Liu, Kostya Ostrikov, Ethanol-controlled peroxidation in liquid-anode discharges 2019 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52(42), 425205.

5.   Qiang Chen, Bangbang He, Yupengxue Ma, Xin Wang, Qing Xiong, Junshuai Li, Qing Huo Liu, Influence of the pH value on the degradation of an azo dye of methyl orange by air discharge plasma 2019 Plasma Processes and Polymers, 16(5), 1800152.


1.   Qing Xiong, Le Xu, Lin Xiong, Qinghua Huang, Qiang Chen, Yi Chen, Xia Wang, Xingliang Jiang, Heat deposition in the thermal field of a micro-glow discharge: effect of humidity 2018 Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(9), 095010.

2.   Qing Xiong, Le Xu, Xia Wang, Lin Xiong, Qinghua Huang, Qiang Chen, Jingang Wang, Wenxiong Peng, Jiarui Li, Full spatial-field visualization of gas temperature in an air micro-glow discharge by calibrated Schlieren photography 2018 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(9), 095207.

3.   Xia Wang, Qinghua Huang, Lin Xiong, Le Xu, Qiang Chen, Qing Xiong, A Compact All-Solid-State Repetitive Pulsed Power Modulator Based on Marx Generator and Pulse Transformer 2018 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 46(6), 2072-2078.

4.   Xiong Qing, Wang Xia, Yin Rui, Xiong Lin, Chen Qiang, Zheng Meng-Xue, Xu Le, Huang Qing-Hua, Michael R. Hamblin, Surface treatment with non-thermal humid argon plasma as a treatment for allergic contact dermatitis in a mouse model 2018 Clinical Plasma Medicine, 12, 10-16.

5.   Yupengxue Ma, Xinning Gong, Bangbang He, Xiaofei Li, Dianyu Cao, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Qiang Chen, Bing Hui Chen, Qing Huo Liu, On the quantification of the dissolved hydroxyl radicals in the plasma-liquid system using the molecular probe method 2018 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(15), 155205.

6.   Xinyi He, Jiao Lin, Bangbang He, Le Xu, Junshuai Li, Qiang Chen, Guanghui Yue, Qing Xiong, Qing Huo Liu, The formation pathways of aqueous hydrogen peroxide in a plasma-liquid system with liquid as the cathode 2018 Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(8), 085010.

7.   [Bangbang He, Xinning Gong, Xin Wang, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Qiang Chen, Qing Huo Liu, What Are the Effective Reactants in the Plasma-Induced Wastewater Treatment? 2018 Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165(10), E454-E459.


1.   Shurik Yatom, Yuchen Luo, Qing Xiong, Peter J Bruggeman, Nanosecond pulsed humid Ar plasma jet in air: shielding, discharge characteristics and atomic hydrogen production 2017 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(41), 415204.

2.   Qing Xiong, Hongbin Liu, Weiping Lu, Qiang Chen, Le Xu, Xia Wang, Qunlin Zhu, Xue Zeng, Ping Yi, Inactivation of Candida glabrata by a humid DC argon discharge afterglow: dominant contributions of short-lived aqueous active species 2017 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(20), 205203.

3.   Hongbin Liu, Ping Yi, Weiping Lu, Xue Zeng, Le Xu, Xia Wang, Qunlin Zhu, Qing Xiong, A Novel DC-Driven Atmospheric-Pressure Cold Microplasma Source for Biomedical Application 2017 IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 1(5), 460-467.

4.   Bangbang He, Yupengxue Ma, Xinning Gong, Zhijun Long, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Hai Liu, Qiang Chen, Xianhui Zhang, Size Yang, Simultaneous quantification of aqueous peroxide, nitrate, and nitrite during the plasma–liquid interactions by derivative absorption spectrophotometry 2017 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(44), 445207.


1.   Qing Xiong, Hongbin Liu, Nikolay Britun, Anton Yu Nikiforov, Li Li, Qiang Chen, Christophe Leys, Time-Selective TALIF Spectroscopy of Atomic Oxygen Applied to an Atmospheric Pressure Argon Plasma Jet 2016 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44(11), 2745-2753.

2.   Anton Nikiforov, Xiaolong Deng, Qing Xiong, U Cvelbar, Nathalie DeGeyter, Rino Morent, Christophe Leys, Non-thermal plasma technology for the development of antimicrobial surfaces: a review 2016 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49(20), 204002.

3.   Jiandi Liu, Bangbang He, Qiang Chen, Hai Liu, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Xianhui Zhang, Size Yang, Guanghui Yue, Qing Huo Liu, Plasma electrochemical synthesis of cuprous oxide nanoparticles and their visible-light photocatalytic effect 2016 Electrochimica Acta, 222, 1677-1681.

4.   Jiandi Liu, Bangbang He, Qiang Chen, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Guanghui Yue, Xianhui Zhang, Size Yang, Hai Liu, Qing Huo Liu, Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from plasma-water interactions 2016 Scientific reports, 6, 38454.

5.   Jiandi Liu, Qiang Chen, Junshuai Li, Qing Xiong, Guanghui Yue, Xianhui Zhang, Size Yang, Qing Huo Liu, Facile synthesis of cuprous oxide nanoparticles by plasma electrochemistry 2016 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49(27), 275201.


1.   Qing Xiong, Zhiqiang Yang, Peter J Bruggeman, Absolute OH density measurements in an atmospheric pressure dc glow discharge in air with water electrode by broadband UV absorption spectroscopy 2015 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48(42), 424008.

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