方斯頓,IEEE Senior Member,中國造船工程學會青工委委員。2012年畢業于重慶大學,獲工學學士學位;2017年畢業于上海交通大學,獲工學博士學位,論文提名上海交通大學優秀博士論文(全校15名)。2017-2021年先后在新加坡南洋理工大學和香港中文大學從事博士后研究。2021年加入重慶大學電氣工程學院,同年入選國家級青年人才項目,擔任重慶大學“弘深優秀學者”,教授,博士生導師。主要從事綜合能源系統、能源-交通融合方向的研究工作,在相關領域發表研究論文40余篇。目前還承擔多項學術兼職,包括IEEE IAS能源系統委員會“微電網與虛擬電廠”分委會秘書,IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, IET Renewable Power Generation期刊Associate Editor,Energy Systems期刊Editorial Board Member。2020-2022年曾擔任International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems期刊Editorial Board Member。主要研究領域包括:
綜合能源技術及其應用是方斯頓博士的主要研究方向,特別是在與海洋交通系統管理相結合的領域。作為率先探索者之一,在多能源船舶、“船-港”多能源融合、港口綜合能源系統方向已具備一定學術影響力。同時,對綜合能源技術在工業、農牧業和服務業的應用研究亦有較深基礎。以第一作者在IEEE Trans. Power Systems, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Trans. Transportation Electrification,中國電機工程學報等國際國內知名期刊發表研究論文30余篇。第一作者于Springer Nature出版英文專著1部,獲2022年Springer Nature “中國新發展獎” (能源領域唯一獲獎者) 。
1. Sidun Fang, book name “Optimization-based energy management for multi-energy maritime grids”, Springer Nature, 2021. (2022年Springer Nature“中國新發展獎”)
1. 方斯頓,黃莘杰,孔賴強等.含儲能健康運行域與電壓安全約束的配電網重構方法[J/OL].中國電機工程學報,2023,已錄用.
2. Tao Niu, Qianqian Huang, Sidun Fang*, et al. Multistage Condition-Based Resilient Maintenance Scheduling for Power Systems during Ice Storms[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023.
3. Laiqiang Kong, Sidun Fang*, Tao Niu, et al. Fast State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-ion Battery Based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Frequency Feature Extraction[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023.
4. Yongping Li, Ailong Fan, Sidun Fang*, et al. Energy Management Strategies and Comprehensive Evaluation of Parallel Hybrid Ship based on Improved Fuzzy Logic Control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023, early access.
5. Yingbing Luo, Sidun Fang*, Tao Niu, et al. Hierarchical Power Management of Shipboard Hybrid Energy Storage System under Multiple Pulse Loads [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023, early access.
6. Tao Niu, Wenguo Wu, Sidun Fang*, Fan Li, Guanhong Chen. Parameter Optimization of Reactive Power Device Planning in Hybrid AC/DC Networks Based on Objective-Oriented Scenario Selection Method [J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2023, early access.
7. Yingbing Luo,Sidun Fang*, Tao Niu, and Ruijin Liao, Dynamic power management of Shipboard Hybrid Energy Storage System under Uncertain Navigation Conditions [J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023, early access.
8. Ying Lu, Sidun Fang*, Tao Niu, and Ruijin Liao, Energy-Transport Scheduling for Green Vehicles in Seaport Areas: A Review on Operation Models [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, early access.
9. Ying Lu, Sidun Fang*, Guanhong Chen, Tao Niu, and Ruijin Liao, Cyber-Physical Integration for Future Green Seaports: Challenges, State of the art and Future Prospects [J], IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems,2023, doi: 10.1109/TICPS.2023.3283234, early access.
10. Yingbing Luo, Sidun Fang*, Tao Niu, and Ruijin Liao, Dynamic power management for all-electric ships based on data-driven propulsion power modelling [J]. IET Electric Power Applications, 2023, doi: 10.1049/elp2.12322, early access.
11. Yingbing Luo, Sidun Fang*, Irfan Khan, Tao Niu, Ruijin, Liao. Hierarchical robust shipboard hybrid energy storage sizing with three-layer power allocation [J]. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 2023, doi: 10.1049/els2.12077, early access.
12. Lin Xue, Tao Niu, Sidun Fang, Tianen Huang, and Fan Li, Fast computation of voltage/VAR feasible boundaries of wind farms: An adaptive parameter aggregation dimensionality reduction equivalence method [J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 2064–2078, 2023, doi: 10.1049/rpg2.12749.
13. Lin Xue, Tao Niu, Sidun Fang, and Zhengshuo Li, Parameter Optimization for Var Planning of Systems with High Penetration of Wind Power: an Adaptive Equivalent Reduction Method [J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, pp. 1–13, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2023.3269532. early access.
14. 薛霖, 牛濤,方斯頓,陳冠宏. 計及高比例風電暫態電壓安全的主從協同動態無功優化方法, 電力系統及其自動化, 2023, Early Access.
15. Tao Niu, Qianqian Huang, Sidun Fang*, et al. Resilient Planning for High-Renewable-Integrated Transmission Systems under the Impacts of Ice Storm Disasters[J], IET Renewable Power Generation, 2023, early access.
16. Tao Niu, Fan Li, Sidun Fang*, Enhanced flexibility utilization and coordinated dispatch method of energy-intensive enterprises in power systems under time of use prices [J], IET Renewable Power Generation, doi:10.1049/rpg2.12764, early access.
17. Sidun Fang, Chenxu Wang, Ruijin Liao, et al. Optimal Power Scheduling of Seaport Microgrids with Flexible Logistic Loads [J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 2711–2720, 2022, doi: 10.1049/rpg2.12401.
18. 方斯頓,趙常宏,丁肇豪,等. 面向碳中和的港口綜合能源系統(一):典型系統結構與關鍵問題[J].中國電機工程學報,2023,43(1):114-134, DOI:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.212120.
19. 方斯頓,趙常宏,丁肇豪,等. 面向碳中和的港口綜合能源系統(二):能源交通融合中的柔性資源與關鍵技術[J].中國電機工程學報,2023,43(3):950-968, DOI:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.212121.
20. Sidun Fang, Chenxu Wang,Yashen Lin, et al. Optimal Energy Scheduling and Sensitivity Analysis for Integrated Power-Water-Heat Systems, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 5176–5187, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3127934.
21. Sidun Fang, Shenxi Zhang, Tianyang Zhao et al, Optimal Power-Hydrogen Networked Flow Scheduling for Residential Carpark With Convex Approximation, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 2751–2759, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2021.3095045.
22. 方斯頓,王鴻東,張軍軍.大容量船舶儲能系統應用研究綜述[J].中國艦船研究, 2022, 17(6):14.DOI:10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02363.
23. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Tianyang Zhao, et al, Two-Step Multi-Objective Management of Hybrid Energy Storage System in All-Electric Ship Microgrids [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(4): 3361-3373, 2019.
24. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Multi-Objective Coordinated Scheduling of Energy and Flight for Hybrid Electric Unmanned Aircrafts [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(7): 5686-5695, 2019.
25. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, et al, Optimal Sizing of Shipboard Carbon Capture System for Maritime Greenhouse Emission Control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55(6): 5543-5553, 2019.
26. Sidun Fang, Bin Gou, Yu Wang, et al, Towards Future Green Maritime Transportation: an overview of Seaport Microgrids and All-electric Ships [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(1): 207-219, 2020.
27. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu. Multi-Objective Robust Energy Management for All-Electric Shipboard Microgrid under Uncertain Wind and Wave [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System, 117: 105600, 2020.
28. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Shuli Wen, et al. Data-Driven Robust Coordination of Generation and Demand-side in Photovoltaic Integrated All-Electric Ship Microgrids [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(3): 1783-1795, 2020.
29. Sidun Fang, Bin Gou, Yan Xu, et al, Optimal Hierarchical Management of Shipboard Multi-Battery Energy Storage System using a Data-Driven Degradation Model [J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 5(4): 1306-1318, 2019.
30. Sidun Fang, Yanhong Fang, Hongdong Wang, et al, Optimal Heterogeneous Energy Storage Management for Multi-energy Cruise Ships [J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 14(4): 4754-4664, 2020.
31. Sidun Fang, Haozhong Cheng, Chengming Zhang, Joint Generation and Voyage Scheduling for Photovoltaic Integrated All-Electric Ships [J]. IET Journal of Engineering, 18: 5085-5089, 2019.
32. Sidun Fang, Tianyang Zhao, Yan Xu, et al. Coordinated Chance-constrained Optimization of Multi-energy Microgrid System for Balancing Operation Efficiency and Quality-of-service [J]. Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 8 (5), 853-862, 2020.
33. 方斯頓,王鴻東,張沈習 等. 考慮蓄電池壽命損耗的全電船舶能量管理方法[J]. 中國電機工程學報,40(23):7566-7578, 2020.
34. Sidun Fang, Yan Xu, Zhengmao Li, et al. Robust Operation of Shipboard Microgrids With Multiple-Battery Energy Storage System Under Navigation Uncertainties [J], IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(10): 10531-10544, 2020.
2023-至今 中國造船工程學會,青年委員
2023-至今 Franklin Open (Springer),副編輯
2023-至今 Decarbon, 學術編輯
2023-至今 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems,副編輯
2023年 IEEE IAS I&CPS, Las Vegas, United States,能源系統分論壇主席
2023年 IEEE IAS I&CPS-Asia, Chongqing, China, 技術委員會副主席
2023年 IET RPG Conference, Shanghai, China 技術委員會委員
2022-至今 IEEE工業應用協會能源系統分委會,秘書
2022-至今 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,副編輯
2022-至今 IET Renewable Power Generation,副編輯
2022-至今 Energy Systems,編委
2022年 IAS I&CPS-Asia, Shanghai, China, 出版主席
2021年 ICPES, Shanghai, China, 出版主席
2020-2021年 International Transactions on Electrical Energy System,編委